Michael Jackson

Jean Paul Gaultier

Bob Marley

Karl Lagerfeld & Herbie

Coco Chanel

Iris Apfel

Albert Einstein
I had the chance to meet Hervé Le Meur, who agreed to "criticize" me by wearing his gaze of philosopher on a part of my "work", of the JoJo series... Here's how it looks:
I am that a humanist, training in hard sciences, who doesn't love nothing so much to listen to arguments and opinions. Most of my interests revolve around the philosophy and the relationship with the other. My favorite authors are Gunter Anders, Hannah Arendt, Jacques Ellul, Georges Bernanos, Ivan Illich, Christopher Lasch, Georges Orwell, Alexis de Tocqueville... Everybody talks about the place of humans when they are surrounded by machines and of non neutrality of technology...
The being and appearance
"Rounded forms, made a smooth and yet something first, primitive emerges from these sculptures." There where Koons shows the smooth, seamless, brief industry and would like to distill the material for no longer keep its single side and infantilizing, cottage shows the complexity in his series of the Jan.
She chose the greatest in the world of art, fashion and science to not extract only a few lines and remember that even and perhaps especially, who might end up getting confused with the image we have of them, retain a common ancestor with the monkey. Is it not precisely this image of them, this show of them, which might eventually take over their existence point? As saying G. Debord and G. Anders, but also C. Lasch, when the spectacle of the person ends up being more important than the person, she might prefer his own image. That's what denounces C. Lasch when he resumes the myth of narcissus, who is not the one who "fell" in love with himself. Lax says that this myth does not denounce the pitfalls of love, but the pitfalls of confusion between being and its image. Between the essence and appearance. Between the being and the show to be. Between be and have…
Stop here would be to not see that, no Manichean, she wants to remember that it is not only the monkey, but the Gorilla it represents. What is the Gorilla? A powerful super vegetarian, but also a wild animal. And that's its wild character that reminds that the seat of the Force is to find in the past, distant as is, that we all have in common with the Gorilla, which brings back in a State of nature certainly incompatible with the show, but we must accept.
It is this dual affiliation, both nature (being) than (seeming) culture that is lodging. As for the Romans, the good food was plants grown, although wisely in the fields. For the barbarians, it was meat, the wildest possible, hunted in the forest. Two worlds oppose here: culture and nature. It only comes here to remind this dual nature of the human. With tenderness for this dual affiliation.
Comprehensive program for our company! "
Hervé le Meur
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